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- Unix and Internet consulting
- Development of Open Source-based Solutions
- Implanting and configuring Open Source systems
Renato Pesca, Major in Physics from Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brazil), works on computer-related activities since 1998, mainly with Unix Systems.
During undergraduate course (2003-2005), I worked in the Computational Physics Research Group of Universidade Federal Fluminense, and supervised the Statistical Physics Computation Laboratory of the research group of professor Fabio David Alves Aarão Reis. Currently, I am still the main provider of technical support to that Laboratory.
I worked at OpenIT Soluções Tecnológicas and Techmaster Serviços em Informática from Jan 2006 to Mar 2007, where I improved my expertise on TI Development Solutions and management of computer-based environments.
I was certified as FreeBSD System Engineer by OpenIT Soluções Tecnológicas in 2006.
- Skype: rpesca
- Public key:here
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